Featured projects
Here is a selection of my projects. You will be able to see a more detailed list of them on the Technical and Art section of the web.
VR Game: Laser Training

Developed with Diego Bezares (diego@mistralsocialgames.com): http://mistralsocialgames.com/ This game is a technical demo demonstrating some baking visual techniques specific for virtual reality. You can download it from...
Oculus VR Camera

Now that VR headsets are being made available to everyone at affordable prices there is an increasing demand for VR content. Developers are struggling since...
Rendering with Arnold for Oculus Rift

I have created an Arnold camera that will render stereoscopic panoramic images of 3D scenes to be visualized in the Oculus Rift headset. That means that...
Domino Animation Using XGen

This domino animation was created using Maya XGen and Arnold The movement of the domino pieces is not a simulation but was created with expressions inside...
Forest done with XGen and Arnold

I created this forest in order to test functionality during the development of the Arnold extension for XGen. An article explaining how the scene...
Animation lit with Arnold

I took one of the animation scenes I created when studying at Animation Mentor and lit it with Arnold. Here is the result: I also made...

In 2011 I began working at Solid Angle developing the MtoA plugin which integrates Arnold with Maya. Here is an image from the MtoA web of the plugin in action: